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the career you deserve is much closer than you think


My mission is to help as many people as possible, especially women, to get the career they want

I can do this thanks to the unique mix of technical and managerial skills that are part
of my professional background and thanks to my long experience as a female
executive manager …

professional Coach

Manager to Coach: a turning point in my life strongly wanted, driven by the desire to support those who want to start a changing phase of their life and to eventually feel fulfilled at work

My goal as a manager has always been to help employees grow and achieve their desired careers. Very often I’ve succeeded, but sometimes the company ‘constraints’ and my role have prevented me from having the impact I wanted

Precisely for this reason I decided to work directly with people having like me a strong desire to realize themselves at work

Now I can impact, as I’ve always dreamed of, much more deeply and quickly in the professional lives of many people, especially women, helping them to achieve extraordinary results


My programs are the result of years of study, Coaching activities and experience in several companies, where I managed international teams and collaborated with experienced executives

The Professional and Executive Coaching programs that I offer can be
both individual and by group (online or in presence)



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individual or corporate programs for women who  want to professionally succeed


individual programs for managers and people with roles of responsibility


My name is Tania Campanelli

I have been working for 31 years. More than 20 years as executive

During my professional career I covered the role of Program Management Director, General Manager, Vice President R&D, Software Engineering Director and CEO

I worked in Italy, USA, France, China, Mexico, Germany, Russia and India managing teams of more than 100 people

Expert in Agile Methodologies  and Project Management

Experienced and ICF Certified Professional Coach



in international companies, from USA to China and India, managing distributed teams of more than 100 people


deep technical experience in different fields, from software to hardware design and production


managing complex, international and distributed projects ranging from software to consumer goods manufacturing


decades of experience in defining and adopting new processes, workflows,
methodologies both in structured companies and start-ups


Valeria T - Account Specialist - Bologna

I embarked on my first coaching journey with Tania in a very delicate professional and psychological moment for me. I didn’t really know what to expect, and I was frightened by the idea of showing my vulnerabilities to another person. Tania knew how to listen and perceive my insecurities and pragmatically helped me, and without any enforcement, to find in myself the strength and skills to feel better and change a situation of great discomfort and difficulty. For me it was a precious moment because it was shared with an extremely competent and prepared person, ready to make available her time and her professionalism.

Sabina T - Software Engineer - Firenze

Thank you Tania!

I always thought that I was “too old” and had few physical and mental resources to be able to get out of the swamp I was in: few professional satisfactions and even fewer personal ones. Instead, with you I discovered that everything was still possible, I just had to learn to believe in myself and use those resources that I didn’t even know I had. It has been a journey made of small steps and a few falls, but getting back up each time has been easier. Despite work and family, I found the courage to study late at night and eventually realized one of my greatest dreams, to become a Sommelier! And now I know that this was only the first of many future milestones!

Manuela B - Sales Manager - Bologna

Working with Tania has strengthened me a lot as a person and as a professional. She taught me that others see the value (or non-value) that we primarily recognize to have (or not have), she helped me not to be afraid to “ask” and “demand” what I want in the new professional path that I have undertaken during the period of Coaching with her. Another element on which we worked and on which I feel matured is the awareness: the idea is not to deny who we are but to know and accept ourselves within our psychological and character mechanisms to be able to better manage negative moments and stress. I believe that a course with Tania is really fundamental to learning how to better know ourselves, manage our emotions and reach our strategic life and professional objectives.

Gloria S. - Assistant Manager - Bologna

When they told me about Tania I thought: 

“Professional Coach? Really? People are continously inventing new jobs….it will be the usual waste of time”

I must confess that I contacted Tania just to please the person who had told me about her. I was very biased and I did not believe that thanks to her I could overcome my work problems that had  beeing going on for years. They seemed insurmountable and impossible to solve to me.

But I have never been more wrong than that!

As soon as I started the journey with Tania, a beautiful harmony was created right from the beginning. It was so important to me. It allowed me to open up and bring out things that I denied and hid even from myself.

Tania has the ability to listen without judging, to express herlself softly and see beyond the surface. Combining these qualities with her professional experience, the result was not long in coming.

Thanks to her , in just 10 weeks I found the courage to turn my life upside down and breathe, for the first time in a long time, the scent of freedom.

I was able to see and recognize my skills and put them to good use, I never expected so much.

I will never thank Tania enough for accompanying me along this path that has been not only professional but also a life one.

Eleonora B. - Production Developer - Pesaro

The journey with Tania was unexpected.

Thanks to her support (h24 I would dare to say) I was able to rearrange the disorder existing in my mind. She supported me in the discovery of the positive aspects of myself as a person and in discovering my actual goals. She always gave me a sincere point of view by opening up possibilities that I never would have considered. Tania gave me that two-handed “push” that I needed, to get out of what I no longer considered suitable for me.

Irene P. - Account Manager - Fano

There are so many things I could say to describe Tania as Coach, but I’ll just say one thing about her: the light at the end of the tunnel. It is like that mother who is waiting for you at the end of the journey when you take your first steps, patient and happy to see you advance satisfied towards that goal.

In my darkest period I stumbled upon a person, a Woman, who was able to listen not only to my voice, but to my fears and to stop my thoughts every time they were ‘going around’.

The most positive thing was the delicacy with which she treated my words and caught my gestures, without ever diminishing or forcing any step forward or even backward.

Before this experience I did not know anything about this profession and about her, but now it is the only thing I would recommend to a friend, a family member, to any person who, like me, has hit rock bottom thinking of never getting out of it.

Chiara N - Legal Counsel - Ferrara

I started working with Tania in a moment of great emotional and professional confusion. I had reached a point in my life where I did not know if the professional path taken so far was the right one for me. This uncertainty had repercussions also on my personal life. I was exhausted, always anxious of not being up to par, of not being enough, of not making it. I was questioning all the choices made up to that point. I no longer knew how to manage this train of thoughts that by now had become impossible to stop! I felt completely at the mercy of events.


Tania literally took me by the hand and with extreme sensitivity and professionalism, session after session, she helped me with practical and very useful advice to manage anxiety. But most of all she taught me to slow down. To look at things from a different perspective and with positivity.


Learning, week after week, to take the reins of anxiety and that train of thoughts that I have learned to slow down, it is as if a new world has opened up for me. I have deepened my knowledge of myself and I have acquired new awareness on a personal level that have had great benefits also in the management of my professional life. I realized I was up to par and that I would have done it. But above all, that I deserved to make it. A path that started out as an emergency intervention because I was totally disoriented at work, gave me much more than a help for my professional life: it had strong impacts on my personal life, with new awareness that I had been looking for everywhere, but that I had never been able to find.


I will never stop thanking Tania for the invaluable help she gave me in this period, literally taking me by the hand in this precious path of personal and professional transformation

Barbara A. - Patent Attorney - Bologna

I admit that I started the coaching journey with Tania with a lot of confidence and full of expectations, because I was really tired and dissatisfied with the professional situation I was in: the desire to change was really strong, I really felt the urgency to leave behind that environment and to get out of a stagnant situation that I was unable to change.

I was as if blocked by insecurity, by the fear of not being capable, of not being up to it, never measuring up, and then age and the terror of leaping towards something unknown that could have turned out to be even worse than the present situation. which, while frustrating and unsatisfying, I had learned to tolerate.

Every job interview I was able to face, few I must say, always ended with nothing done, I was never the right person for the role I was looking for, always leaving me with a greater sense of frustration.


But now I can say that the result of the journey undertaken with Tania has gone far beyond my expectations.

Accompanied by Tania, I was able to recognize and use the energy and strength that were already in me, but which I was no longer able to see, let alone if I was able to use them in my favor and those close to me.

In addition to being very competent and professional, Tania is extremely helpful and I was very impressed by her empathic way of establishing relationships.

She follows you in her journey, and, as in my case, in the search for new opportunities and in preparing to face job interviews, as if they were her job interviews. It’s not common.


So after about four months from the start of my coaching journey, here I am ready to start, with trepidation of course, but not with fear, a work experience in a new reality, with new people, with the trust and desire to put myself at stake and to do well.

Thank you Tania, revealer of positive energies.

Martina M. - Business Brand Manager - Milano

The “journey” with Tania arrived at a time when I no longer knew what to hold on to in order to escape from the “dark tunnel” that I was traveling both on a professional and personal level.


Tania was able to undermine my prejudices and my uncertainty of not being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel this time either.

In 10 sessions I learned through her practical tools, to really see things in a different light, to face situations with a different awareness, but above all to perceive myself in a different way.

I’m still fighting anxiety, the fear of not being up to work challenges and not worth enough, but I face them with a different awareness, with greater control of myself and with an approach I didn’t have before.

Tania was able to read me with great empathy, kindness, understanding, but also a lot of grit and sincerity, really helping me to use the right tools to rebuild myself and my approach to things first of all.

Her great concreteness and perseverance, which she also demonstrated outside of our meetings, helped me work on myself and not give up.

Rossella L. - Teacher - Bologna

I met Tania by chance and I immediately found in her a professional person I could rely on in order to be able to shed some clarity on my future career.

It is primarily an introspection process which has led me to see in a different light some aspects of my personality, which I have always considered hindering my professional success.

With her support, I gradually became aware of what I wanted.

All this in a frame of grit and motivation.

I would recommend it to anyone and not just to those who want to make a change in their career.

Gaia O. - Fitness Trainer - Fano

I started the journey with Tania feeling all the “weight” of my 30 years on the way.

The desire to improve my unsatisfying professional life began to become a haunting frustration.


Going forward every day at the mercy of dissatisfaction made me aware only of what I hated around me, without being able to find a way to change it.

It was enlightening to be able to drive my life again and go from contempt to awareness.

Awareness of myself, of my abilities and my true desires; the awareness that you are allowed to ask more and that you deeply want it.

I needed to sort out everything I felt but I couldn’t handle. Now thanks to Tania I found a way to realize what I felt distant and nebulous, and above all to legitimize myself, whatever the goal I want to achieve with serenity.

Tania proved to be an empathic professional with me, she was able to hit the mark and I thank her so much for turning my personal journey around.

Lorenza D. - Digital and Open Innovation Specialist - Milano

It was an experience of pure growth and full of discoveries.


Thanks to Tania I understood:

 The importance of acting without fear and without dwelling too much on the consequences

 Taking small steps that can be at the same time huge

 To be effective with my interlocutor and whoever is in front of me

 To have greater awareness and to better understand my feelings and my actions. But also to understand what is behind the ‘non-actions’ and the reason why I often did not complete my activities


But what I will always carry in my heart from this journey is Tania’s trust and strength in shaking me up and making me see everything from another perspective.

In making me understand that from small actions you can achieve a lot.


Laura A. - Category Manager- Milano

I had the pleasure to meet Tania at a crucial phase of my career and in a situation of lacking guidance to navigate through changes and transformations.


From the beginning, I clearly understood that Tania is not only a competent coach, but also an empathetic person who is passionate about human nature. One aspect I particularly appreciated was her talent for putting my thoughts in order and making me fully focusing on my specific needs and challenges.


Each session with Tania was an open and sincere conversation, in which I felt free to explore, express doubts and receive honest (and sometimes “uncomfortable” to hear, but useful for growing) feedback.

Tania guided me through a process of self-exploration and what struck me most was her ability to make me see myself with different eyes: everything that I considered my weaknesses are now precious characteristics that make me unique and which can be to my advantage, if used in the right way.


I highly recommend Tania’s coaching service to anyone who is looking to undergo a career transformation or discover their hidden potential.

Her competence, empathy and approach make her an extraordinary coach. Thanks to Tania, I have gained clarity, confidence and determination in my professional and personal journey and I couldn’t be more grateful for the positive impact she has had on my life.


Allegra Z. - Admission Administrator - Amsterdam

Tania is a fantastic coach, who I admire a lot.

Thanks to her I was able to reflect by seeing my situation from different points of view.

I understood myself better and understood the importance of loving and caring for one another. Thanks to Tania I learned practical techniques to apply in my professional and life path.


Life is a continuous cycle full of changes and new experiences that must be welcomed. Thanks to Tania I was able to get to know myself better and welcome these changes as evolutions.


If you are looking for an honest person who will help you along your journey, Tania is the right person for you, not only direct and sincere but also very nice.

Rita B. - Integration Consultant - Bologna

At a moment in my career when I felt blocked and trapped, Tania managed to give me the tools to escape from the cage of fears I had built for myself.
She was my springboard for the career best suited to me.
Thanks to her I became aware of my qualities and began to see everything in a clearer and sharper way, enhancing aspects that I gave little importance to.
This allowed me to better sell myself on the job market and start a new, much more satisfying professional experience.
She was a source of inspiration but above all an excellent coach!

Ludovica M. – Project Leader - Alessandria

I met Tania by watching some webinars held by her on female leadership.

She immediately won me over not only with the concepts she discussed, but above all with her clear, frank and determined way of acting.

I thought that such a decisive personality could be  the right one for me.


I decided to contact her after a long time; when I felt the need to make a change in my career as a professional and person.

I immediately felt very comfortable. I found all the exercises assigned to me very useful and inspiring. They were simple and direct questions, but each time they put me in front of very profound reflections. Putting your thoughts down on paper was liberating. I loved these moments.

Tania guided me with professionalism and frankness throughout the entire process.

At every meeting, she listened carefully to my words.

She showed me how the human mind works and how we can take control of it. She taught me to value myself and not take myself for granted. Each of our meetings has been of great inspiration. Each session she taught me something new about myself and the situation I was experiencing.

I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up, but I know that I will be capable of facing my own path, which is mine and no one else’s. Thanks Tania.

Elisabetta C. – Strategy Specialist - Milan

Tania is a highly experienced professional able to make you comfortable and to help you ACCEPTING even what’s ‘wrong’ and SOLVE IT.

The journey with her was energizing. She led me to have an exponentially higher awareness of myself and “how I function”.

This is something that is priceless because it changes the way you react (or not react) to the facts of life.

Elisabetta C. – HR Manager - Milan

The journey with coach Tania was truly transformative for me.

Thanks to her concrete and personalized approach, I was able to clarify my professional goals and develop a greater awareness of my VALUE.

Tania was always available and attentive, offering practical and valuable tools that allowed me to face some challenges in my career with more confidence and determination.

I particularly appreciated her ability to create an environment of trust, where I could explore my goals without fear of making mistakes, and her attention to details, which made each session meaningful.

Her ability to motivate and lead with empathy has made this journey extremely enriching for me.

Thanks to her I now feel more prepared to face the future with confidence.

I highly recommend her coaching to anyone who wants to grow and improve professionally.

Tania is undoubtedly the right choice!

Elena B – Sustainability Consultant – Siena

It often happens to us, as women, that we don’t feel enough.  Or to even feel wrong.

In our culture there are still too many things that lead us to question ourselves or to not see our own merits.  And we feel alone and misunderstood.

I also felt this way and I couldn’t clearly see the several paths I could take to get out of an environment that no longer reflected me.

Tania accompanied me on a journey first of all to discover myself.

It was all as natural as it was unexpected and the result was that once you know who you really are… you are no longer willing to put it aside for any reason and you will fight for what you really want. Whatever it is, you will finally choose.


Letizia M – Learning and Development Specialist – Bari

When I met Tania, I had a loud and clear WHY but I didn’t have a HOW.

The strong awareness of myself and my objectivity pushed me to seek a coaching path in which to understand how to orient myself.

In Tania I saw the aware and professional, empathetic and frank person, together with the coherent and fitting professional with her “mission”.

I can say that I chose it for that instinctive and mutual click of resonance and trust, which I believe is fundamental for the success of any personal growth process, regardless of path and objective.

Tania with immense tact, respect but also honesty, undermines and refines the dysfunctional beliefs, hidden fears and underlying truths that hinder self-realization, providing the tools and mindset to establish an authentic and lasting relationship with oneself, without a car -deceptions.

The teachings I carry with me are not being afraid to ask and throw yourself in, leaving nothing that matters unturned and most of all staying in the present moment and celebrating it for what it is. Don’t go further, trying to control futures and scenarios of which you have no knowledge and power.

Tania works on the person, before the professional – because knowing who you are allows you to face any “how” and “why”.

I recommend this trip to anyone who wants to ‘know’ themselves in order to ‘actualize themselves’, having Tania as a fantastic co-pilot.


Roberto M – HR Consultant – Bologna

I started the journey together with Tania because I was in a moment of personal and work-related LOSS.

Before understanding what exactly I wanted to get from my current job or from a future job, we gave priority to VALUES, TIME and above all my INNER SELF.

I will never thank Tania enough for the emotional shock she gave me.

PUTTING MYSELF BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE and GIVING MYSELF TIME, in such a fast-paced world, was the most important lesson.


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